In flowmeters with indication by means of magnetic coupling there are small-large components to which we rarely give the necessary importance. If we start to take them into account we will surely avoid many problems …
Today we are going to talk about one of the most common cases that our after-sales department meets quite often. Many times, with the rush, we stop assembling components that we think do not play an important role in our flowmeters or level meters with indication by means of magnetic coupling and after a while they begin showing reading problems.
This is the case with the cable glands.
Woow! But are the cable glands used yet? Well, yes, and surely this situation sounds to you:
Just when you most need it your flowmeter or level meter stops measuring well; the indicator needle seems to stumble and the readings are not correct. Why now, if you have not changed the conditions of the application?
Usually the first thing that comes to mind is that something can be blocking the float or some aspect related to the inner performance of the device, and we are not totally wrong though it may be something we can avoid easily.
When we receive our Tecfluid instrument, on the side of the housing we see two plugs where the cable glands are installed for connecting the cables in case you want to incorporate limit switches or transmitter.
This is one of the advantages of this type of instruments with modular housing; we can incorporate limit switches, transmitters or/and totalizers after our purchase.
If we remove one of these plugs uncovering the hole or we do not place the cable glands correctly, we are leaving an entry to environmental conditions such as dust, moisture, etc. which can damage the bearings of our flowmeter or level meter, that are those that allow the correct movement of the indicating needle.
By removing the plugs, dust and humidity will affect the performance of the instrument
Bearings location
When we order a transmitter or limit switch to retrofit in a Tecfluid instrument that we have already installed, two cable glands are included in order to make their proper connection and preserve watertightness of the housing when replacing the plugs.
INCORRECT installation
INCORRECT installation
CORRECT installation
It is important that the cable is not too thin so that the cable glands can adjust to it and thus help to maintain the tightness of the housing to avoid such problems.
For sure you have already made yourself an idea of the importance of the cable glands in the proper maintenance of your flow or level measuring instrument with indicating needle. This will not happen to you again!
To finish, here you will be able to see Tecfluid flow measurement equipment with the modular housing. If you prefer have a look to the level equipment.