Human demand is increasing and fish farms help to produce fish by taking less resources. We talk about the application of water aeration in fish farms, where you can use a variable area flowmeter like our 6000 series.
It is a fact that the world needs to produce more and more food each time and it is necessary to do so with a minimal environmental footprint. Human demand is increasing for fish and fish protein, which has resulted in widespread overfishing in the oceans. Fish farms help to produce animal protein taking less resources. In 2016 more than 50% of seafood was produced by aquaculture.
In the fish farming facilities there are systems of fish production per unit of surface that can be increased at will, as long as sufficient oxygen, fresh water and food are provided. Because of the requirement of sufficient fresh water, a massive water purification system must be integrated in the fish farm.
Cages which are placed in a river or the sea, supplement the fish crop with sufficient oxygenated water. Fishes need a good quality of the water being many the parameters that have to be considered to help fish welfare. One of them is the control of the sufficient level of oxygen through the injection of air and oxygen. Our 6000 Series flowmeters take part in this essential water aeration process.
Series 6000 flowmeter installed in cabinet
for injection of oxygen
(Photo: Norluft AS)
Monitoring water aeration process
(Photo: Norluft AS)
Our partner in Norway, Flow Teknikk as, has a large experience in this application for our 6000 series glass tube variable area flowmeters.
They use to install the total stainless steel version with guided float although galvanized and coated steel one without guided float is also used for it, as shown on the picture above of the series 6000 flowmeter in the cabinet.
Detail of guided float
6001 total SS ¾” with guided float flowmeter for air
If you need to know more about variable area flowmeters maybe this article of our blog about what is and how does a variable area flowmeter work can help or if you prefer to go deep on the float types for them for sure you will find interesting our article titled Float types for variable area flowmeters.
More information about our Series 6000? Click here